The three journals below are indexed in ProQuest One Business. They provide the price of some chemical products and chemical industry profiles associated with a product.
Replaces the Chemical Market Reporter. Provides information on chemical industry in the United States, Canada, and worldwide. Includes the industry profile for about fifty chemical products and indicates the price of some basic chemical products. Information is updated every two years.
Each year in January, this journal publishes the article “Word Chemical Outlook” that presents data for Canada, the United States, Europe, and Asia. In July, it publishes the article “Global Top 50” on employment, sales and expenses in R&D, etc. Consult the online journal for recent information.
Contains articles on used equipment in chemical industry. At the end of each issue there are economic indicators, for example the Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (available in the Economic indicators section) which actualize the cost of certain equipment.
The journal web site will give you access to an online catalogue: Chemical Engineering Buyers' Guide.