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Industrial Engineering - Ergonomics

Open Design Lab

Anthropometric data and tools to visualize those data are provided on the Open design lab website. 

Among other things, you will be able to download the ANSUR II (Anthropometric Survey of US Army Personnel) data, available to the public since 2017. 

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Anthropometric Data

CAESAR (Civilian American and European surface anthropometry resource) is a database containing anthropometric data with 3D models. The available data also includes demographical information obtained from a sample of 2,400 American women and men, whose ages range from 18 to 65 years. The digital postures contain information about the sitting and upright positions.

The data is available both in text and Excel formats.

Along with the 3D models, you can also find about 40 traditional unidimensional measurements. These measurements are presented using both the imperial and metric systems.

All full desciption of the CAESAR database is also available.

In order to use CAESAR's data, you can use software such as Autocad and MeshLab.

To consult CAESAR, please contact the Reference Desk.

The following documents, available at the Library, give details about the CAESAR survey and set of data. 

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