Your research activity will bring you to write a theses, a dissertation, a grant application and/or an article. These literary productions all contain a "Literature review", even if this section may be more developed in certain cases than others.
This guide provides information to help you find literature reviews and create them.
The literature review is a critical evaluation on the developments of the research in a specialized field of study. It usually includes numerous references.
Reasons to review the literature
(Inspired by O’Leary, 2004, p.79)
Objectives to write a literature review
(O’Leary, 2004, p.79)
"A comprehensive survey of the works publisehd in a particular field of study, usually over a specific period of time, in the form of an in-depth, critical bibliographic essay or annotated list in which attention is drawn to the most significant works." (ODLIS, 2012)