To begin your search, consult the guides in Resources by Subject. Developed to simplify your life, our guides and tutorials put forward a selection of relevant and reliable resources available at the Library.
You can search in Sofia , the Library's search tool, to discover books on your subject. Sofia , is also accessible from the home page . See the "Search in Sofia" guide for more information.
The Library keeps the mandatory and recommended textbooks in the Course Reserves, while the course notes are available on the 8th floor in the section Notes de cours de Polytechnique. All these documents can be found on the page Course Reserves of our catalog, which allows searching by course or by teacher. Consult the guide Textbooks and Course Notes for more information.
The Culture section is situated near the Library entrance. Browse these shelves to find a book you like. To search these books you can refer to the guide collection Culture (in French only). You will find an advanced search box leading to Sofia, our search tool.
Sofia Discovery tool
Did you know that the library collection also includes recent print editions of books? You can access our entire print and electronic book collection from Sofia, our discovery tool.