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Publishing a Thesis or a Dissertation

Dissertation and Thesis Templates @ Polytechnique

Using a template is mandatory! Read it carefully before you start writing!
A template is a style sheet that greatly facilitates your work and ensures that Polytechnique publication requirements are followed.

Note: If you are writing a dissertation or a thesis by articles in French, which includes articles in English, use the templates in French.

MS-Word Template in English (last updated February 13, 2023**)
MS-Word Template in French (last updated February 13, 2023**)
**When the documents based on the previous January 20, 2023 templates were saved as PDFs, the Table of Contents was not complete.
      ▸ Comment télécharger et appliquer une feuille de style / How to Download and Apply a Template (français + English)

Bilingual LaTeX Template (last updated January 23, 2025)
      ▸ If you started writing your thesis or dissertation using an old version of the LaTeX template, copy your text into the latest template.

      ▸ The document to compile in the template is Document.tex!

In Overleaf, make Document.tex the Main document under Menu, if it is not already this way:

Instructions for the LaTeX template

     ▸ At Polytechnique, there is no APA style in French or in English for LaTeX. Therefore, we recommend that you use the IEEE style in English or in French (both included in this template), even though you used APA during your studies.
     ▸The figures should all be put in their own subfolder.
     ▸Compile the figures in these subfolders, generate a PDF and insert the PDF into the template by mentioning the full path.
     ▸The figures must be generated properly. Although other figure formats are accepted, we recommend the PDF format. For example, if a small figure was generated in MATLAB and saved as .png, it might be too blurry when inserted into the template and enlarged. This problem disappears if it is saved in PDF.
     ▸When you reproduce a figure from source [x], you need to cite it in the caption according to the IEEE style. However, the List of Figures should only list the number and the title of figures, so the citations should not appear in it. To this end, use the code: 

\caption[Circuit]{Circuit \cite{Anschutz2011}}

If necessary, do not forget to obtain permission to reuse the figure from the copyright holder!

     ▸By default, the template lists the sections in the appendices in the Table of Contents:

If you would only like to have Appendices....#page in the table of contents, add the line \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\value{tocdepth}=0} at the beginning of 9-Annexes.tex:

More information here.

A commercial publisher intends to publish your dissertation or thesis?

A commercial publisher has contacted you and would like to publish your thesis or dissertation as a book. 

For some tips on how to proceed, consult:

Mandatory Title Pages

 Page titre mémoire de maîtrise / Title Page Master's Thesis (Word)
 Page titre thèse de doctorat / Title Page PhD Dissertation (Word)
 Page titre thèse de doctorat / Title Page PhD Dissertation (LaTeX)
 Page titre thèse de doctorat en cotutelle / Title Page Joint PhD Dissertation

Attention! The Graduate Studies has decided not to include the abbreviations M. (Mr.) and Mme (Ms.) or titles such as PhD in the title pages. This is not an error.

Examples of Tables of Contents

These tables of contents are just examples and are not mandatory! The chapters and the thesis structure should be agreed upon by the student and the supervisor.

The Table of Contents line should not be included in the Table of Contents.

Examples of Full Documents

Thèse de doctorat en français (LaTeX)
PhD Dissertation in English (LaTeX)


Are you about to start writing your thesis or dissertation?

Consult the Graduate Studies' Thesis and Dissertation page and these guides:

NOTE: The guide in French is up to date, whereas the guide in English will be updated soon. Presently, the examples of title pages in the guide in English are outdated. See the "Mandatory Title Pages" box in this guide for up-to-date title pages.

Master's and PhD: Forms

The forms that the students need to fill in and/or sign will be provided by the agent aux dossiers académiques (academic records officer) in their department.

  1. Présentation de mémoire ou de thèse par articles (if applicable), filled in by the student and signed by the co-authors of the articles and by the graduate program coordinator of the department concerned;
  2. Sujet de recherche et échéancier, for writing a thesis in English, completed by the student and signed by the supervisor and co-supervisor and returned to the Registrar's Office;
  3. Grille de vérification pour le dépôt de mémoire ou de thèse (thesis submission checklist), filled in and signed by the student and the supervisor;
  4. Licence non exclusive pour thèse ou mémoire (non-exclusive license for dissertation or thesis), filled in and signed by the student;
  5. Confidentialité d'un mémoire ou d'une thèse (if applicable), signed by the student, supervisor and co-supervisor and/or department chair or graduate program coordinator of the department concerned;
  6. Communication de renseignements personnels au CRSNG au sujet du personnel hautement qualifié (PHQ), filled in and signed by the student.

Optional Forms:

  1. Accord de publication traditionnel Mémoires et Thèses de Maîtrise (ProQuest), filled in and signed by the student;
  2. Commande de documents officiels, filled in and signed by the student, submitted to the Registrar's Office.
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