From Sofia, our discovery tool, you can retrieve all the technical reports published by Polytechnique Montréal’s community since 1985, by author, title, series (i.e., EPM-RT), and subject.
The Library publishes technical reports exclusively in electronic version since 2004. These reports are made available through PolyPublie, Polytechnique Montréal's institutional repository. Technical reports published prior in print format are being digitized and will also be available in this repository.
To limit a keyword search in the Library’s catalogue to technical reports published at Polytechnique only:
Technical reports in electronic format are available through PolyPublie, Polytechnique Montréal's institutional repository. You can find these reports with PolyPublie's search engine. Please note that report numbers should be written with hyphens in this form (e.g. EP-R-81-03 or EPM-RT-2002-01).
All the information needed to publish a technical report at Polytechnique Montréal is available in the guide Publishing.
Did you know that the library collection also includes recent print editions of books? You can access our entire print and electronic book collection from Sofia, our discovery tool.
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