Cite the data in the text as (Copyrights Holder, Year) or Copyrights Holder (Year).
If the authors are also the copyrights holders, use: (Hinton et al., 2015) or Hinton et al. (2015).
If the copyrights holder is an organization, use its full name in the first citation: (Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, 2017) or Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (2017) and its abbreviation in the subsequent ones: (ISED, 2017) or ISED (2017).
Reference for a data set with DOI:
Author, A. A. (Year). Title (Version Number of version) [Description of material]. Source.
The description of material can be: Data Set, Data File, User Manual, Code Book, etc.
Hinton, T. J., Jallerat, Q., Palchesko, R. N., Park, J. H., Grodzicki, M. S., Shue, H., Ramadan, M. H., Hudson, A. R., & Feinberg, A. W. (2016). Three-dimensional printing of complex biological structures by freeform reversible embedding of suspended hydrogels [Ensemble de données]. Dryad.
More examples in the APA Citation Guide.
Here is a list of some recognized repositories in their respective fields:
Computer and Software Engineering
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Health Sciences
Biomedical Sciences
Life Sciences and Biomedical Sciences - Big data
Physics, astrophysics, and astronomy