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Formulaire de recherche


Scan request

Periodical articles and book chapters can be scanned and emailed to you. Restrictions from the Copyright Act apply. Please visit our Scan service page and Print / Scan / Copy page for more information.

Place a hold to get a document

The document you are interested in is already on loan? Reserve it. The person will have 7 days after the end of the loan period to return the document, and you will be notified of its availability by email.

The document you are interested in is available? Reserve it and we will put it aside for you. Please wait for the notice of availability of your reservation by email before coming.


How much time do I have to pick up my hold?

Once you've received an email notification indicating your hold is ready to pick up, you have:
• 7 days to pick up an item reserved from the general collection (30 days regular loan) 
• 2 days to pick up a reserved game, standard or dictionary
• 4 hours for an item reserved from the course reserve


Here are the steps to place a hold :
1. To reserve a document, whether it is available on the shelf or already borrowed, you must use the Request button in the Sofia discovery tool.

                            2. Clicking the "Obtenir" button will redirect you to the authentification page, in case you're not already signed in.

3. Once you're signed in, complete the form, filling in the requested information; placing the hold on the first available item or a particular item (placing a hold on the first available item will get you the document more quickly) and pick up location (for all documents, this is always Polytechnique - Lassonde).

4. Click on "Envoyer" to submit your hold request.

5. When the document is ready for you, you will receive an email notification letting you know the document is ready for pick up at Polytechnique's Library.

ATTENTION : loans are renewed automatically every 30 days, as long as they are not reserved by another patron. Therefor, if you need a book that is checked out, the best way to get it is to place a hold on it. This will prevent the document to be renewed in the borrower's file. The borrower will have to bring back the book in order for the next patron to borrow it.



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Do not hesitate to contact our Reference Desk.

514-340-4711 extension 4665

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