From Sofia, you can place holds on items located in any of the 18 academic libraries in Québec (PBUQ). You only need to click the Request button within the items record you wish to borrow. The item does not need to be held by Polytechnique's library. Once on hold for you, the item will be shipped to Polytechnique for you to pick up. Before coming to the Library, wait for the email notice letting you know the book is ready for you. That is what we call the Network loan. Documents obtained in this way will be automatically renewed on their expiry date as long as no one else reserves them after you.
The Bibliothèques universitaires du Québec partnership (PBUQ) includes the following institutions :
If you wish to loan a document that doesn't belong to any library from the PBUQ network, like an article, chapter, physical book, we suggest that you use instead the interlibrary loan service (ILL).