This resource includes all standards developed by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), in English and in French, including older versions of standards, and related documents such as codes, manuals and commentaries. The subscription also includes standards adopted without change from many organizations such as ISO, IEC, and others.
Notes :
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Creating a personal account (free) is optional, but allows you to annotate online versions of documents, to create a "favorites" list or to make purchase requests ("wishlist").
Standards of the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable du Québec, published by Les Publications du Québec. Includes the "Standards - Road Works" collection, the current and previous "Cahiers des charges et devis généraux (CCDG)", as well as the guides and manuals "Assurance de la qualité", "Chaussées", "Conception et construction", "Électrotechnique", "Gestion de projets", "Ouvrages d’art", "Structures de signalisation ou d’éclairage" and " Zone côtière".
Codes in Quebec and Canada
More specific standards can be found in the following guides: