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Maps and Geospatial Data

What is the BCI-MERN agreement?

In August 2015, an agreement was signed between the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI) and the ministère de l'Énergie et des Ressources naturelles (MERN). This agreement provides the Polytechnique community a free access to products mentioned below for teaching and research purposes.

Topographic maps


- Digital topographic database (scale 1:20,000)
- Digital topographic database (scale 1:100,000)
- Maps of flood hazard zones (scale 1:2,000)

Thematic Layers

- Layer of administrative divisions (scale 1:20,000)
- Layer of administrative divisions (scale 1:100,000)
- Hypsometric layer (scale 1:20,000)
- Layer of socio-economic divisions (scale 1:20,000)
- Layer of lands leased for holiday sites
- Layer of flood hazard zones (scale 1:2,000)
- Couche des composantes d'utilisation géographique régionale
- Layer of wildlife habitats (scale 1:20,000)
- Layer of vegetation in Northern Quebec


- Orthophotos (various scales, 2014 and earlier)
- Orthophoto mosaics (various scales, 2014 and earlier)

Forestry Products

- Eco-forestry map (provincial coverage)
- Layer of digital slope classes
- Maps of surface deposits
- Layer of vegetation in northern Quebec
- Ecoforest inventory of southern Quebec

- Layers of forests (annual updates)
- Surface deposits in northern Quebec + anaglyph
- Sample plots database (permanent and temporary)

North-Related Products

- Topographic maps of indigenous villages in northern Quebec (scale 1:2,000)
- Digital elevation models of indigenous villages in northern Quebec (scale 1:2,000)

Road network of Quebec: Adresses Québec

Quebec Addresses is a geodatabase covering the entire road network of Quebec, including address ranges and odonymy, as well as municipal addresses and boundaries. The data in this geo-database is used for route management. All content related to Adresses Québec products is now directly accessible on the website of the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts (MRNF).

  • AQcarto: Map context
  • AQgéo: Address ranges in flat file
  • AQpro: Address ranges in relational data model
  • AQgéobâti: Geolocated individual addresses
  • AQdirection: Information on routing management
  • AQgéopostal: Postal codes geolocation in Quebec territorial divisions

Please note that the following resources are now available for free on the open data portal Données Québec. An hyperlink to this portal is provided in the product's web page:

  • AQréseau: Road network and street names
  • AQréseau+: Forestry roads, road network, railways, and La Route Verte

To get more help on how to use these data, see also the Guide de l'utilisateur des produits d'Adresses Québec.

Cadastral maps

- Cadastral compilation at scale 1:20,000 (cadastral layer only)
- Data of the Quebec cadastral plan (cadastre rénové)
- Online service Infolot
- Data of the Registre du domaine de l'État

Elevation data

- LIDAR data of water sectors
- LIDAR data of the Basse-Côte-Nord
- Digital elevation models (scale 1:20,000)

Geodetic positioning

- Layer of geodetic points
- Geodetic information management system (Géodeq III)
- GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) data from permanent reference stations

Access to data

An important part of geospatial data products from the MERN are now accessible through the Géoindex platform (click the "English" button at upper right corner).

If a MERN dataset is not available in Géoindex, please contact us at to see if the Library has them or if it would be possible to get them.

In order to get the MERN products that are not in Géoindex, you will need to fill in the data access request form (in French only).

Géoboutique: Search documents

To search for other geospatial data from the Governement of Quebec, visit the GéoBoutique Québec website.

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