1. Can I use EndNote at home?
EndNote can be downloaded from the Library website (see the Installation tab). It can be installed on both institutional and personal computers, provided the user signs a license agreement and consents to uninstall the program at the request of a Polytechnique staff member or upon leaving the school.
2. Can I use EndNote with BibTeX/LaTeX?
Consult the BibTeX / LaTeX Guide published by the Library.
3. How can I convert my Mendeley Desktop library to EndNote?
Consult the article EndNote: Transferring records from Mendeley Desktop.
4. Can I open a library created with a previous version of EndNote with the current version of EndNote?
Previous versions are compatible with the current one. However, once a library created with a previous version of EndNote has been opened with a newer version of EndNote, it should only be used with this newer version.
5. How do I use EndNote in a research group?
You can share your EndNote 21 library with up to 400 people. All of them can add references and use it at the same time.
6. I plan to write a manuscript-based thesis including journal articles. Can I produce a complete bibliography listing all my references at the end of my thesis?
EndNote lets you create reference lists at the end of each section of a Word document and a complete bibliography at the end of the document. See pages 31-32 of the EndNote 21: Guide d'utilisation (in French only).
7. I had problems installing EndNote. What should I do?
Follow the step-by-step Installation Guide under the Installation tab. If the problem persists, uninstall EndNote and start again. The producer's guides can also be useful.