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⦁ EndNote is installed with over 300 filters, which can be found under C:\Program Files\Endnote 21\Filters\. If necessary, see other filters provided by EndNote.

All filters downloaded and opened with EndNote will be saved on your computer under:

C:\Users\<UserName>\Documents\EndNote\Filters for Windows;
/Users/<UserName>/Documents/EndNote/Filters for macOS.

See this path in EndNote ➞ Edit ➞ Preferences... ➞ Folder Locations.
The filters found here have priority over the filters automatically installed with EndNote.

For most databases, use the direct import = double-click the .ris file downloaded from the database to open it in EndNote.

⦁ The Library has adapted the import filters for a few databases for which direct import did not work well. These filters have been developed only for the main document types (e.g. journal article, conference proceedings) in each database..

PolyMTL import filters (last updated August 20, 2023):

Import from Sofia Discovery Tool

Attention! Import journal articles and conference papers from databases and not from Sofia!

Follow this procedure to properly import records from the Sofia discovery tool.

Import from databases

For importing references from several bibliographic databases available at the Library, follow these procedures, tested in Mozilla Firefox.

After each import, we strongly recommend that you check the quality of the imported references and make corrections. If you import them from several databases, make sure you eliminate duplicates.

If you would like to keep track from which database the references were imported: Select the imported references. Continue with Tools ➞ Change/Move/Copy Fields... In the Change Fields tab, choose Name of Database from the drop-down list of fields, and then replace the whole field with the name of the database.

CAS SciFinder

Compendex & Inspec

Derwent Innovations Index

Emerald Insight

Google Scholar - NOT RECOMMENDED!

IEEE Xplore

ProQuest One Business; ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

PubMed / Medline

Web of Science

Other databases

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